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How to Write a Proposal for Job Changes

Sometimes employees want to change jobs within their organization. For example, a sales professional might want to increase her skill set by joining the marketing department. Or a member of the research and development department might request a transfer to human resources, where he can gain more insight into organizational strategies. While these moves are non-traditional, upper management might agree to such changes if employees draft a compelling proposal.
Ask your human resources department for advice about how to proceed if your company has set protocol for requesting a job change. Follow the protocols exactly to increase your chances of success. If there is no protocol, write a clear and concise proposal in whatever style of presentation your company typically uses for internal communications. Generally, a proposal should be short, to the point, typewritten, and free of mistakes and typos, using appealing and informative graphs or charts as necessary.
Range of Experience
Your written proposal for a job change should focus on key selling points. First is how gaining experience in another job role might increase your effectiveness. For example, a sales professional might explain how combining her knowledge of selling procedures with an understanding of the organization’s marketing strategies could give her greater insight into how to be a more effective contributor in either department.
Increased Value
If a job change will help you make more money for the organization, chances are your proposal will be approved. To make your case, include how the proposed job change will increase your productivity, help you craft more profitable strategies and make you an overall better employee. For instance, an employee in the research and development department might mention how spending time in the human resources department can help him develop management and people skills. Later, when he returns to his original department, he'll be better prepared to adopt a leadership role. In other words, explain how what you propose is an investment that will pay off in the end.
Sharing Skills
In addition to explaining how a job change could make you a better employee, mention how your transfer can help the department to which you hope to transfer. For instance, a human resources professional might explain how introducing her understanding of management principles to the new department could improve team performance and team management.
Managers reviewing proposals must balance the employee's desires with the organization's needs. For instance, losing a vital employee might decrease the effectiveness of the department she is leaving. On the other hand, allowing the employee to gain experience in a variety of roles might make her a better candidate for management one day. After all, an employee who understands the interdependent nature of an organization’s departments can make a better manager than one who understands only a single department.
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Stan Mack is a business writer specializing in finance, business ethics and human resources. His work has appeared in the online editions of the "Houston Chronicle" and "USA Today," among other outlets. Mack studied philosophy and economics at the University of Memphis.
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