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What Jobs Looks at Bones?

Professionals examine bones in a variety of settings for a number of reasons. Careers associated with looking at bones range from the ordinary to the exotic. A career focused on the examination of human and animal bones can help diagnose illness or injury, while the more adventurous may enjoy unearthing and analyzing bones to help answer questions about previous civilizations.
General Health
Careers in the health field that look at bones include those that help rule out injury, diagnose disease and make repairs to injured bones. Chiropractors deal with the spinal column, podiatrists examine the bones of the feet and orthopedic doctors look at bones throughout the body. Specifically, orthopedic surgeons repair breaks and fractures of the bones of the body.
Jobs within the field of dentistry that involve looking at bones of the face and neck, such as the jaw bone, include oral and maxillofacial surgeons and periodontists. These jobs typically rely on x-ray images produced by dental hygienists and dental assistants to diagnose disease or injury and provide guidance during operative procedures.
Health Imaging
Those responsible for operating imaging equipment, reading imaging results and translating the findings to the doctor and patient also examine bones. Radiologic technicians and technologists help prepare patients for imaging exams, such as x-rays and CAT scans. They use imaging software to help position the patient properly to ensure the doctor receives a complete image of the bone in question. Radiologists look at the final images and make a determination as to breaks, fractures and diseases of the bone.
Investigative Positions
Experts tasked with investigating crime can fall into several careers involving the examination of bones. This can include positions as a coroner or laboratory technician. Coroners may look at bones to help identify a victim and determine the cause of death or date of death. Laboratory technicians may use bone fragments to help provide a DNA link to the victim or assailant during specific criminal investigations.
Other Jobs
Those interested in investigating the development of civilization can seek out a job as an archaeologist or become part of an archeology team. Archaeologists uncover bone fragments, both human and animal, during organized research digs. Bones found during a dig help date an ancient civilization. Another job that involves looking at bones includes work as a veterinarian. Veterinarians look at animal bones and help treat broken, fractured or dislocated bones in a wide variety of animals. This can include dogs, cats, horses and birds.
Nicole Long is a freelance writer based in Cincinnati, Ohio. With experience in management and customer service, business is a primary focus of her writing. Long also has education and experience in the fields of sports medicine, first aid and coaching. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from the University of Cincinnati.
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