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The Average Salary of a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps

Lieutenant colonel is the fifth rank for officers in the Marine Corps (above, in order from lowest rank, second lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain and major). Marine lieutenant colonels generally have more than 17 years of service prior to promotion. There are five ranks higher than lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps (colonel, brigadier general, major general, lieutenant general and general).
Base Pay
The pay for lieutenant colonels in the Marine Corps is split among base pay, allowances and special duty pay.
The base pay for a Marine Corps lieutenant colonel is dependent upon years of experience serving as an officer. Lieutenant colonels with more than 22 years of service earn $8,198.40 per month while lieutenant colonels with 18 years of service earn $7,748.10 per month.
Marine Corps lieutenant colonels living outside of military housing receive a base allowance for housing in addition to their base pay. The base allowance for housing for a single lieutenant colonel is $1,248.60 per month while a lieutenant colonel with dependents receives $1,509.30 per month. Lieutenant colonels may also be eligible for a clothing allowance, family separation allowance and additional subsistence allowance depending on their assignments.
Incentive and Special Duty Pay
Lieutenant colonels in the Marine Corps are also eligible to receive incentive and special duty pay. Aviation, hazardous duty, imminent danger, diving, parachute, flight deck and demolitions are also assignments rendering a lieutenant colonel eligible for additional pay. Most types of special duty pay total less than $250 a month for lieutenant colonels.
Specific Professions
Marine Corps lieutenant colonels who serve in specific professional capacities also receive special pay. All medical and dental officers receive a base $583.33 per month plus a $500 monthly bonus after passing professional board examinations. Dental officers receive an incentive pay of $15,000 per year while medical officers receive incentive pay ranging from $20,000 to $38,000 depending on specialty.
Lieutenant colonels serving on a submarine receive an additional $835 per month and lieutenant colonels who serve duty at sea (other than on a submarine) receive up to $475 per month.
Based in Boston, Nolan Kido has been writing professionally since 2006. He holds a master's degree in accounting and worked in the real estate and banking industries prior to his current career. Kido has contributed to three personal finance books and specializes in writing about taxes and investments.
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