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How Soon to Call Back After a Job Interview

As a job seeker, it's easy for your nerves to set in after an interview as you anxiously await a call back from the hiring manager. However, you shouldn't wait idly by the phone. It's essential that you take initiative to follow-up with the interviewer. It's recommended that all applicants call to follow-up after their interviews, and timing your call back perfectly could help you land the position.
When to Call
Calling the hiring manager too soon could make you look like a pest, but waiting too long could blow your chances. H Careers recommends that job seekers wait two or three days after their interviews to follow up. This way, employers have enough time to finish conducting interviews and gathering their thoughts, but your interview is still likely to be fresh on their minds. An exception to this is if the interviewer gave you a specific date by which he would make a decision. For example, if he told you he would be interviewing other applicants for a week, you don't want to call him after only two days. Wait for the date he gave you to pass, and then call two to three days after that.
What to Say
When you call, remind the interviewer who you are and tell her you're calling to follow-up about the position. You should have thanked her at the time of the interview, but your follow-up call is an ideal time to express your gratitude again. Reaffirm your interest in the position, and ask if she's made a decision or expects to make one soon. Taking initiative and making the call shows that you're driven and self-motivated, which often appeals to potential employers. It also shows that your interest in working for his specific company is genuine. It's encouraged that you take a few moments to highlight your qualifications one final time while you're on the phone. This could jog the interviewer's memory about an important point he missed during the interview, and help you stand out from candidates who interviewed after you.
Time your follow-up call appropriately. Select a time when you know you'll be in a quiet environment free of distractions so you can focus all of your attention on the conversation. If you're familiar with the work environment or the interviewer's schedule, choose a time she's unlikely to be busy. For example, if she mentioned in the interview that the company conducts a conference call every morning, you're probably better off calling in the afternoon. When you call, ask if it's a good time for her to talk before conducting a lengthy follow-up speech. If it isn't, ask what time would be better and follow through with calling back at that time.
Leave a voice mail if the interviewer doesn't answer when you call. If your voice mail hasn't been returned by the next day, it's acceptable to try again. However, don't continuously call to follow-up about the position. This is likely to irritate and annoy the hiring manager -- and could hurt your chances of hire. Don't call outside of normal business hours unless the interviewer tells you to. Only call the number the interviewer provided. Do not call the front desk or ask other workers for a personal phone number to reach him at if he didn't give it to you himself.
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