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How to Reply to an Ad for a Job Sample

Stumbling across a job posting that you seem perfectly suited for can be exciting. Taking the time to make a great first impression is important to landing an interview, and it starts with the way you respond to the posting. Whether answering by letter, email or phone call, make sure your response is always professional, polite and expresses how interested you are in the position.
Let the Post be Your Guide
Your key as to how to respond to a job advertisement is often in the ad itself. Many employers will specify how they'll accept applications. Some prefer you to submit your resume through email while others may ask you to drop it off in person. Following the guidelines in the ad is important. Steering away from them and doing your own thing only shows you have a disrespect for directions and may annoy your potential employer.
Sending an Email
We live in an undeniably technological world, so it's likely you'll be asked to email your resume. A professional email should mimic a printed cover letter, avoiding familiarities and abbreviations. Copying and pasting the original posting underneath the body of your email shows what your email is in reference to. Reference your reason for emailing in the subject area. Give your resume file a distinctive name, such as "Ron Anderson's Resume" and attach it, unless the ad specifies that you include it in the body of the email. If your email address has an unprofessional name, like [email protected], you may want to switch email accounts or create a new one.
What to Say
You should include a cover letter with your resume whether you're emailing it, putting a stamp on it or bringing it in person. The cover letter should state who you are and why you're writing, such as, "My name is Ron Anderson and I'm responding to the job advertisement you posted in the Weekly Journal." Outline why you believe you're a good candidate for the position, and be specific. Briefly mention your education and experience, as well as any professional achievements. End the letter by thanking your potential boss for his time and the hope that he'll be in touch soon.
Making the Call
Occasionally, an employer will ask applicants to call if they're interested in a job posting. Call as soon as you can after seeing the ad. Get directly to the point when your call is answered by stating your name and your reason for calling. You may be asked a few questions or your call may be directed to the employer. Express your interest in learning more about the job and say that you're calling to set up an interview. If you land one, make sure you know where to go and at what time. End the conversation by thanking them and telling them you look forward to meeting.
Brooke Julia has been a writer since 2009. Her work has been featured in regional magazines, including "She" and "Hagerstown Magazine," as well as national magazines, including "Pregnancy & Newborn" and "Fit Pregnancy."
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