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Reasons for Quitting a Job

Deciding whether to quit a job often involves careful consideration and advance planning. It’s usually better to quit a job when you have another one already lined up. You also should give two weeks’ advance notice whenever possible, so that the company has time to hire a replacement. Don’t burn any bridges when you leave a job – you never know when you might end up back at the same company or working with the same people.
You Dread Going to Work Every Day
We don’t all love our jobs, and there are days when even the most enthusiastic employees just don’t feel like heading into the office. If you wake up morning after morning dreading the day ahead, however, it might be time to make a change. Try to pinpoint what exactly you dislike about your job first – it might be that you can change your situation without leaving the company. If your job is affecting your physical, emotional or mental health, you may need to make a change sooner rather than later.
You Have No Room for Growth
If you’re in a position with no clear path for advancement, and you want more out of your working life, then leaving your current job might be the only way to get where you want to go. If your co-workers and bosses constantly overlook your contributions, or if you have bad relationships with your fellows and are in a hostile working environment, then the best option could be quitting your job and finding a new one. Additionally, if your personal philosophies do not line up with the company’s goals, you’re probably better off finding a job at another company that fits with your thoughts and views.
You Have Little or No Job Security
Living under the threat of unemployment is stressful. If your current employer is performing layoffs, or if the company itself is on shaky ground, quitting your job may get you out of a bad situation and give you a head start on a new job. However, you may want to ride out the situation for as long as you can, and to look for other employment before quitting.
If your company is operating in a manner or for a function that is of questionable legality, quitting may help you avoid prosecution as well.
You Experience a Major Life Change
Often when something changes in your life, it’s a good idea to change your job, as well. If you have a baby and your current job doesn’t offer health care benefits, for example, you’ll probably want to find a job that does. If you relocate out of the area, quitting is usually inevitable. Even if you are close enough that you could stay in your current job, but would be facing a long commute, you may find that a new job will save you time, money and aggravation.