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How Will I Get an Offer for a Job I Interviewed For?

There’s no guarantee you will receive a job offer after you do an interview. However, if the hiring manager asks you for your references, you might have a leg up on the competition and a job offer could be next. In this case, try to get through any other scheduled interviews quickly so you can make a prompt decision if you receive an offer. The proposal may come by phone, email or postal mail.
Verbal Offers
Employers that make verbal offers usually follow up with a written proposal. If you receive a verbal offer and the employer does not mention a written offer, request one. A job offer should include your full compensation package, so it’s very important that you receive it in writing. Along with the salary and job description, the offer might state signing and periodic bonuses and company benefits. Some employers bypass the phone call and send the offer directly by postal mail or email.
Additional Information
A written job offer might say that after you accept the offer, you will receive additional information in the mail or by email. This extra data might include new hire orientation procedures and forms for you to complete and submit.
Time Frame
Employers usually give candidates at least 24 to 48 hours to accept or reject the offer. If the employer does not give you a time frame, ask for at least 24 hours or no more than week to consider it. An employer that wants you to make a prudent decision is likely to give you time. However, delaying your response or asking for too much time might indicate that you’re waiting for a better offer to come along or you’re not interested in the job. The offer letter might not state the response time frame, in which case the employer might give it to you verbally. Do your best to make your decision within the allotted period.
Weigh Your Decision Carefully
If you have other offers on the table, consider them carefully before accepting or rejecting. Choose the one that best suits your needs in terms of job duties, company mission and reputation, potential for advancement, location, work atmosphere and salary and benefits. If you want the job, but you don’t agree to all the terms in the offer, negotiate with the hiring manager. If she agrees to change the conditions, she should mail or email you another offer letter with the newly agreed-upon terms. If you accept, send the hiring manager an acceptance letter via the company’s preferred delivery method. If you reject, promptly mail or email a letter politely stating your refusal. Say why you’re rejecting the offer, such as you accepted another position, and thank the hiring manager for considering you.
Grace Ferguson has been writing professionally since 2009. With 10 years of experience in employee benefits and payroll administration, Ferguson has written extensively on topics relating to employment and finance. A research writer as well, she has been published in The Sage Encyclopedia and Mission Bell Media.
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