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Navy Midterm Evaluations Requirements

The Navy conducts midterm evaluation counseling to ensure its sailors continually grow, both personally and professionally, by providing feedback and guidance. Occurring at the halfway point in the annual graded evaluation cycle, midterm counseling also complements the evaluation process by better documenting each sailor’s yearly performance. By promoting the continual growth of its sailors and achieving more reliable annual evaluations, the Navy ultimately views midterm evaluation counseling as a means to increased fleet-wide readiness.
When They're Done
Three graded annual performance evaluations -- the Fitness Report (FITREP) for officers, Chief Evaluation (CHIEFEVAL) for chief petty officers (E7 to E9) and Evaluation (EVAL) for junior sailors (E6 and below) -- are conducted at various times throughout the calendar year. The governing evaluation and counseling instruction, BUPERSINST 1610.10B, details the evaluation schedule for each paygrade in Enclosure 1, Page 11, while the corresponding midterm counseling schedule is located in Chapter 19 on Page 3.
Forms to Fill
The FITREP, CHIEFEVAL and EVAL forms are also used for midterm counseling, but they are not fully completed. For use in counseling, evaluators only fill out blocks containing basic information on the front, including blocks 29 through 32. Counselors will rate the sailors on their standing within the seven performance categories and provide feedback on how they rank within their peer group by filling out the “Comments on Performance” block. The FITREP and EVAL template can be completed using the NavFit98A software package, while the CHIEFEVAL is completed using an Adobe Acrobat form.
Face to Face
According to BUPERSINST 1610.10B, five objectives should be met during midterm counseling. First, the sailor’s strengths and weaknesses are assessed. Second, her problem areas are identified, and the evaluator points to the strengths that can help her overcome the deficiencies. Third, a plan is presented that gives the sailor accomplishable goals to work toward. Fourth, the evaluator reviews the sailor’s performance with her and ensures she clearly understands her current standing within her peer group. Finally, expectations are set for future performance. This one-on-one counseling session should take place in a relaxed environment, and counselors should do their best to put the sailor at ease to ensure open and honest communication.
A U.S. Navy journalist since 2001, Johnny Michael has contributed to "All Hands" magazine, "The Garden Island" newspaper and "The Flagship" newspaper. He has formal training as a photojournalist and print editor, and holds a Bachelor of Arts in English language and literature from Southern New Hampshire University.
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