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The Benefits for a Fish & Game Warden

Fish and game wardens are mostly employed by federal and state fish and wildlife departments. Game wardens enforce laws that are designed to protect animals, collect information on game and fish and educate the public about animal and fish regulations. Benefits of working for a government entity usually includes a fringe benefit package along with special offers from a variety vendors.
Employment with the federal or state government generally includes paid vacation, sick time, and holidays. Game wardens may start receiving eight hours of paid vacation a month, with accrual and hourly increases depending on years of service. There also several types of leave available to them including family medical leave, military leave and civil leave.
Health, vision, and dental insurance are also given along with flexible benefits and long-term care options. Insurance is usually very affordable because it is given at a group rate. Some states offer several packages to choose from, depending on type of coverage, amount of deductible, and cost per month.
Depending on the state where the game warden is employed, there are several retirement systems available. As a public employee, benefits are usually calculated through eligibility, years of service, and highest average compensation. Retirement benefits can be vested depending upon years of time served. Some states have special retirement plans just for peace officers.
Fish and game wardens are in the same pay range as police officers and detectives. Pay range depends on level of achievement and title. In May 2006, the median pay range for officers fell at $44,000 per year compared to a supervisors pay range averaging at $63,000 per year. The highest 10 percent earned well over $100,000 a year, while the lowest 10 percent in the field made less than $34,000 a year.
Additional Benefits
Many businesses give state and federal employees extra discounts and benefits for being a member or a customer. Some hotels, such as La Quinta and Best Western Hotels, give discount rates to government employees either for company or personnel use. Phone companies, such as Verizon and AT&T, will give out a 15 to 20 percent discount on plans per month with additional discounts on phones. There are many savings clubs available, some provided by the state and vendors, that give reduced rates for home improvement, tickets to family recreational area, car rentals and restaurants.
Specializing in home and garden topics, Nina Stanley begin her freelance career in 2009. She received her Bachelor of Science in horticulture in 2007 from Sam Houston State University and Associate of Science in 2002 from Blinn College. Through her writings, she shares her knowledge of plants with others on various websites.
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