Growth Trends for Related Jobs
Self Employment Careers With Animals

Animal lovers looking to be self-employed have a variety of money-making options available. The pet care industry offers a range of jobs for those who enjoy the company of animals and are willing to dedicate time to starting and operating their own business. Consider pet sitting, grooming or dog walking as opportunities to combine self-employment with animal care.
Pet Sitting

Many people leave their pets behind during vacations. Pets left in boarding kennels are looked after but lose the familiarity and comfort of their owner’s home. Individuals looking to start a pet-sitting business can cater to these clients by offering a more personal approach. Some pet sitters offer to look in on pets while their owners are away, while others invite pets into their own homes, giving animals the warmth and attention they need. Considering that many pet owners view their beloved dog or cat as members of their families, a relationship of trust needs to be established before a pet sitter can solicit business from total strangers. Begin by caring for friends' pets and asking for referrals. Keep references in case potential customers request them.
Pet Grooming

Aspiring pet groomers need to get certified first. Research college programs that teach the techniques necessary for proper grooming. Once certified, aspiring groomers can work at pet salons or host private grooming facilities at home. Some groomers even offer mobile grooming, arriving at each client’s home, which is a far more convenient option for clients with busy lifestyles.
Dog Walking

Some dog owners don’t have time in their hectic work life to walk their dogs several times a day. Others hate having to scoop their dog’s refuse. Consider these types of pet owners as potential clients when marketing a dog-walking service. The perfect opportunity for people who work from home or perhaps just need the extra income, walking dogs for other people can be great exercise that doubles as self-employment. Post fliers and hand out business cards locally. This concentrates business to a predictable and manageable area. Decide how much to charge each client and how long each walk will last. Write contracts and require clients to sign them to provide authorization for walking their dogs. On walks, always take caution in case an aggressive dog approaches. Remember, injuries may lead to legal consequences. Use leashes made only from high-quality materials, such as leather, to maintain control of even the largest breed. Expect business to prosper during mornings and afternoons when most clients are at work.
Zoobia Ilyas began writing professionally in 2010. Her work has appeared online for Sangam Literary Magazine, The Cynic Magazine, wiseGEEK and Gallery Femme. She writes fiction, memoir, nonfiction and social commentary essays specializing in women's issues in popular culture. Ilyas holds an honors Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Toronto.