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Duties of a Municipal Treasurer

Though the specific duties of a municipal treasurer can vary based on the municipality in which she works; its size and complexity, as well as the position's “historic” responsibilities in the that particular office, municipal treasurer positions typically have a common job description. In some areas, municipal treasurers are elected, not appointed by the Mayor, City or Town Council while in others they are not. This article highlights the duties most common in all municipal treasurer job descriptions.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities in All Municipalities
The treasurer is responsible to the mayor, city or town council, administrator, or municipal chief executive. Duties are assigned and completed per the employer’s wishes. Even elected treasurers, technically responsible to the voters of the municipality, perform their duties for the ruling person or body.
Municipality Financial Expert
All things financial are the purview of the treasurer. Duties usually include managing payroll, accounting, investments, budget, income collection (taxes and fees), and treasury department personnel supervision. Managing cash flow to ensure that sufficient liquid funds are available to operate the municipality efficiently is also a critical treasurer duty.
Financial and Operations Resource for Other Municipal Departments
Finance issues are important to all municipal areas, from trash collection to parks and recreation. The city, town, or county council also depends on the treasurer for many financial answers to questions. While they often work through the chief executive, regardless of title, councils sometimes need fast, correct answers from the treasurer and cannot wait for their requests to move down the management channel. All other departments often have financial questions or need advice they cannot quickly obtain from the chief executive. The municipal treasurer should be a valued resource for all departments.
Manage Report Preparation
Budgetary matters are typically the most important report function for municipalities. The treasurer is usually responsible for producing these related reports for the chief executive, council and residents. Open government and public information regulations mandate that a municipality’s financial records are accessible to all. The treasurer normally prepares (or delegates the preparation of) all budgetary and “state of the municipality” reports.
Ensures Smooth Municipal Operations
Other common treasurer duties involve those surrounding municipal office operations. For example, the treasurer often must order all operating supplies, manage facilities (real estate), and maintain up-to-date computer operations and sophistication. Within budgetary parameters, the treasurer controls the operating expenditures, keeping all departments well supplied, replacing (or repairing) necessary office equipment, manage elections funding and administrating the personnel budget.
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