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Technical Skills in System Analysis

Systems analysts need not only to demonstrate great communications skills, calm and self-motivation, but also to have well-developed technical skills. Strong technical skills will see analysts through the most difficult problems. College courses and certifications all provide great backgrounds for analysts, and job experience comes only with time. The more programming languages, computer programs and operating systems they learn, the better adapted they are for the next adventure.
Performance Tuning
Computers, routers, programs and networks are configured to provide the best working conditions for employees. Analysts need to understand how everything at the site works together and be able to fine-tune and enhance areas that require attention. Monitoring bottlenecks that slow down company productivity and then adjusting system programs to alleviate the problems are all in a day's work.
Programming Languages
Knowledge and familiarity with common programming languages like C++ and Java are useful in the workplace. Systems analysts don’t necessarily need to do the coding, but they should be able to read it. That way they can discuss it with the programmers who are responsible for modifying it.
Computer Platforms
Familiarity with operating systems such as AIX, Windows, Mac and Linux is useful in environments that use many technologies or if a job requires lots of travel.
Hardware Capabilities
In-depth knowledge of the types of hardware in use at each job site is necessary for the systems analyst to ascertain the extent of computer problems and possible equipment damage. Knowledge of the storage and computing capacity of computers, routing equipment, printers and external and Bluetooth devices can help employees continue to work while repairs are made.
Network Structure and Function
Analysts deal with computers on networks, so it is only logical that they are familiar with network topologies, or structures, and also how to administer a network. Skills of this sort are generally gained on the job and also through classes taught by companies that produce networking software.
Data Structures
Data is everywhere in the workplace, and databases are common at all companies, big and small. Proprietary company databases and more common ones such as Oracle and Foxpro used across industry are based on similar data structures.
Computer Security
Security breaches are more common than ever, and analysts help keep computers free of viruses and other invasive nuisances. They help develop strategies to ensure on-site data integrity. Analysts help define company policies regarding computer security such as not allowing employees to download software onto networks.
Erin Moseley is an advocate for science education. Since 1985, she has written numerous technical, user and training manuals for major corporations, public agencies and universities. She holds a Bachelor of Science in geology.
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