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Requirements to Be a GED Proctor

Many people chose to get a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). Proctors are essential to testing environments, by closely observing the candidates to prevent cheating. They also monitor the way people take tests to make sure people are on the correct page, are not marking in the test booklet, and that people turn in all materials at the conclusion of the test. Should a test booklet be carried out by someone, that would invalidate all tests within a 50-mile radius for the next six months.
Educational Requirements
California requires a GED test proctor to have an AA degree, while Florida and New York require that the person have a high school diploma. The proctor needs to be able to have enough language and math skills to watch that people are doing things correctly at the correct time. They keep a test surveillance log and seating chart, which must be legible and accurate.
Attention to Detail
Proctors observe each candidate as they enter the room, and check them in. They watch that people make marks only on the answer sheet, and not in the test booklets. He is responsible to make sure that people are in the correct section of the test book for each part of the test. He remain alert throughout the entire time of the test to make sure none of the candidates are cheating or colluding with other candidates. If he sees such irregular behavior, he immediately notifies the GED Chief Examiner.
Follow Directions
Standardized tests imply that any person taking the test will receive exactly the same instructions, and have the same testing questions, in the same order, with the same time allowance as any other person taking the test. The Proctor must follow the written instructions precisely, consistently and diligently each time. She is not to usurp the duties of the GED Chief Examiner. They must also assist the GED Chief Examiner as requested to help with test accommodations. Moving the testing booklets and answer sheets from site to site or helping arrange the room are also part of the job.
Stamina and Focus
Proctors walk around a group of up to 20 people who are taking the GED test, continually monitoring each individual. He cannot let his attention wander or relax his observation until after the test is over and each person has turned in an answer sheet and test booklet. After the test, he must examine each test booklet to make sure it is intact and has no marks or writing.
Even Disposition
Candidates may be highly anxious and deal with their anxiety in a variety of ways. Some may seem hostile, others inappropriately silly, and yet others in a state of near panic. The Proctor welcomes each person and verifies who is authorized to be in the testing room before granting admission. She does not let the mood of any candidate interrupt her attentive, no-nonsense mood.
Jenny Landis-Steward has written reports for child welfare research for over 14 years. She has a master's degree in clinical psychology. She was the editor of two social service agency publications for seven years. Her economic thesis was an analysis of employment trends.