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Decision-Making Activities for Adults

An indecisive nature can cost you in the end. Business is a competitive world and many adults don’t have the skills necessary to make snap decisions for the benefit of the company. You can change all that, by practicing your decision-making skills. Practice making gut decisions; as well as choices based on evidence and intellect.
Decision Tree
A decision tree is a chart that details the different outcomes of performing a certain task. You start with the action at the top of the page and write the subcategories of that decision below. For example, if you want to start your own business, that goes at the top of the page. Write different businesses you have an interest in starting below that. Move on to the results of each possible decision. The results can be good or bad. For example, opening an independent law firm has the potential to earn a lot of money, but the schooling costs and shaky first years should also go on your list. Read your choices and the results of those choices to determine which option will benefit you the most.
Timed Chess
In the game of chess, you need to make well thought-out decisions in order to achieve victory. Anyone can make a choice if he has enough time, but the opportunity for victory may be over by that time. Set up a timer next to your chess field. Set it for a short amount of time. Each player needs to make a move within the time limit, or face a penalty. This will train a person to make quick decisions under pressure that still have strategic thought behind them.
Group Musing
Working with a group and speaking aloud about a choice can help you reach a conclusion. Everyone needs help now and then, so if you have plenty of time, brainstorm with your peers to make up your mind. Working with a focus group gives you several viewpoints and opinions, so you can make the best choice possible. Choose group members you can trust to have objective opinions about a situation and work towards a conclusion that benefits the majority of the group. Practice musing aloud with your group on small decisions, before you try to tackle the large ones.
Timing Yourself
Knowing you’re a little indecisive is one thing, but you may not know just how much time your indecision costs you. Carry a stopwatch with you throughout the course of the day. When you find yourself confronted with a choice, start timing yourself to determine how long it takes you to make a decision. You may work a little faster knowing you’re on the clock, but at the end of the day, it may surprise you to learn how much time you used to make a decision. Armed with this knowledge, you can try to beat your time from the previous day and become an efficient decision-maker.
Shae Hazelton is a professional writer whose articles are published on various websites. Her topics of expertise include art history, auto repair, computer science, journalism, home economics, woodworking, financial management, medical pathology and creative crafts. Hazelton is working on her own novel and comic strip while she works as a part-time writer and full time Medical Coding student.