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The Salary for the Job of a Radio Tower Bulb Changer

Imagine climbing up a 1,700-foot radio tower to change light bulbs. That is one of the duties that radio tower bulb changers, more commonly known as radio tower climbers or tower technicians, perform on their job. They are also responsible for installing, testing, maintaining and repairing other equipment on towers. They wear only safety harnesses, as they climb towers while lugging replacement parts, tool bags and other necessary equipment. Radio tower climbers are exposed to all types of weather, including strong winds, as they complete their tasks on the towers.
What Tower Climbers Make
Salaries for radio tower climbers vary, depending on their location and the demand for their occupation in their area. They may work temporary or permanent positions. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies radio tower climbers under radio, cellular and tower equipment installers and repairers. In 2013, most of them earned an annual salary between $26,990 and $73,150. The mean annual wage was $48,380.
Susan Echaore-McDavid is a freelance writer. She has authored career books in law enforcement, law, aviation, science, forensics, transportation, engineering, and education, among other areas. She has also written and edited educational materials for adult and adolescent audiences with reading, learning and language needs. She currently maintains two personal blogs.
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