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List of Personal & Professional Goals for a Nursing Student

Nursing students are the future of the nursing profession. Within a relatively short time nursing students are required to successfully achieve a lot: clinical internship, theory, exams and of course, the licensing examination. To make sure you are successful, it is necessary to set some goals. Goal setting does not only apply to school, but also after you have obtained your nursing license and degree. Nurses make commitments to the profession, many of which are ethical in nature. Other commitments to the profession involve taking care of yourself personally and career advancement.
Lifelong Learning
Be committed to lifelong learning. Education doesn't end at graduation from nursing school or after passing the licensing exam. It continues for as long as you are in the nursing profession. Make it a point to stay current through taking courses, attending conferences, obtaining certifications, and reading trade journals like American Journal of Nursing, Minority Nurse Magazine, and Nurse Management Magazine. Join member organizations such as the American Nurses Association and Oncology Nursing Society. Join organizations while still a student nurse.
Make it a personal mission statement to understand the rationale behind everything you do. Nurses must be competent and responsible patient care providers in all aspects of the profession regardless of the setting. Make it a policy to strive for no medication errors. Read your texts thoroughly, watch what your instructors do, make index cards, learn about the drugs and strive for no mistakes when calculating drugs. Competency will make you confident that you know what you are doing. If something is not clear to you, don't assume. Ask questions.
Patient Advocacy
Help patients get the care needed at the lowest possible cost. This is an important objective for student nurses. Nurses are often responsible for coordinating patient care. Collaborate with other healthcare team members and locate resources through social service organizations. Be able to assess and identify patient needs and goals as well as plan care.
Apply Theoretical Knowledge
Understand the various nursing theories and information from research.Then apply this understanding to practice in all phases of the nursing process: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. This is essential because the nursing process applies across all practice settings.
Aunice Reed is a medical science writer living in Los Angeles, Calif. With over 10 years previous nursing experience, Reed has been writing for over six years and has attended University of Northern Iowa, University of California, Los Angeles and Los Angeles Harbor College.
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