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The Job Description of a Completions Engineer

Completions engineers design and monitor the installation of cost-effective well completions. Completions engineers are often called petroleum engineers and help devise methods to improve oil and gas well production.
Main Duties
A completions engineer must direct and monitor the completion and evaluation of well testing, wells in general or well surveys; maintain records of drilling and production operations, monitor production rates, plan or rework processes to improve production, and write technical reports for engineering and management personnel. He must also coordinate the installation, maintenance and operation of mining and oil field equipment and develop plans for oil and gas field drilling.
Long-Term Responsibilities
A completions engineer's long-term responsibilities include supervising the removal of drilling equipment and waste, evaluating findings to test, develop or design equipment or processes; simulating reservoir performance for different recovery techniques, and testing machinery and equipment to ensure it is safe and complies with performance specifications.
Short-Term Responsibilities
A completions engineer's short-term responsibilities include taking samples, inspecting oil and gas wells, interpreting drilling and testing information, and supervising well modification and stimulation programs to maximize oil and gas recovery. She must also conduct engineering research.
Shanea Patterson has been freelance writing professionally since 2006. Her writing interests include travel writing, occupational writing and fiction. She has been published in "InTravel Magazine" and "WAVE Journey Magazine." She also writes for "Inspire Us Magazine." Patterson is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in English from Mercy College.
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