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Data Entry Objectives

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Data entry requires a self-governing motivation and dedication to accuracy in order to produce a high-quality product repeatedly. You set your own goals and workplace standards, while taking the responsibility for protecting both your technical equipment as well as any physical information that you will be working with. Even your ability to adapt will be tested with new technology and office changes.

Technical Adaptation

As a data entry employee, it is your responsibility to adapt to the changing technologies that you are responsible for. This includes new computer programs, program updates, organizational system changes and the addition of new responsibilities. The rate at which systems change makes it necessary to learn and adapt quickly. This includes studying program changes during off hours and making the personal changes needed to react to new systems within the office. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of a data entry employee to move seamlessly into new technologies as your company requires.


While your work responsibilities are macro-managed through regular reviews of your overall proficiency and accuracy, your daily work is your responsibility. A company cannot afford the resources to place someone over your shoulder as a micro-manager. As a result, you are responsible for micro-managing your work and self-governing your progress. This includes your own review of your work for accuracy and your motivation to set and achieve a quantity of work throughout your day. Additionally, it is your responsibility to keep your technology functioning properly and to ensure that potential work area hazards do not threaten your production ability, such as drinks too close to your keyboard or food at your desk.


The accuracy of your work determines your value as a data entry employee. Poor accuracy during your entry process produces information that is unusable or incorrect. It is your responsibility to act as a fact-checker of the work you produce. Get into the habit of double-checking data both as you type it and again afterward for confusing information such as phone numbers or account numbers. Learn which pieces of information give you problems and work to improve your accuracy in those areas.

Organized Workspace

As a data entry employee, you are responsible for your workspace. This includes the proper filing of completed work, filing of future work and being responsible for the physical safety of the information you will work with. Keep your desk clean and well organized and clearly mark specific areas where information will be stored so management can access that information at any point, should it need.


Kristyn Hammond has been teaching freshman college composition at the university level since 2010. She has experience teaching developmental writing, freshman composition, and freshman composition and research. She currently resides in Central Texas where she works for a small university in the Texas A&M system of schools.