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How to Obtain a Painting Contractor's License in Arizona

The state of Arizona requires painters to prove their working skills through experience and then tests their knowledge of business before granting a state license. The state issues a separate business license to painters for residential and commercial contractors, and both have different requirements.
Work for one or two years as a painter under a state recognized contractor. The length of time depends on what type of license you need. Your duties should include preparing and painting interior and exterior residential building surfaces, as well as supervising others in such work. A painter with one year of experience can apply for the C-34 Arizona residential paint contractor's license. Arizona requires two years of painting work experience that includes work on commercial buildings for candidates of the L-34 commercial paint contractor's license. Painters with the necessary time and work experience for both residential and commercial licensing are qualified to apply for a dual license, which permits contract painting of either classification in Arizona.
Apply for a business license to paint in Arizona by submitting the application for a contractor's license with the required forms, business tax registration, bonding and fees to the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. Forms include an application for examination and a qualifying party experience form that lists the painting work performed by the applicant with verifying signatures from all employers. Your Arizona transaction privilege tax number must be listed with copies of state registration documents for a corporation or LLC. Residential painting contractor applicants pay a $320 application fee and must join the contractors recovery fund for $450 or post a $200,000 consumer bond. The commercial paint contractor's application fee is $645 with no consumer protection bonding costs. Any paint contractor that employs help must show proof of workman's compensation insurance or provide an official Resolution of Authorization form from the Industrial Commission of Arizona stating legal responsibility to self insure the company. The state asks for a financial statement including all business assets and liabilities. Sole proprietors must also provide identification showing legal presence in the United States.
Complete and pass the examinations required for your specific type of paint contractor's license. Candidates must register and send test fees to Arizona's testing agency, Prometric. The agency will provide a schedule of exam times in various state locations. Residential contract applicants must take the business management test with questions on managing a construction project, managing a business and its finances and federal and state laws that apply to contractors. Commercial paint contractors must also pass the trade exam consisting of multiple choice questions that apply to the field of work for the license sought. Painters will find questions about surface preparation, wallpaper and painting in various environments on the trade exam. Scores are given on printed hard copies immediately after the tests are completed.
Finalize the Arizona paint contractor's license application by sending passing examination results on to the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. Your submission will be reviewed within 40 days. The office will inform you of any elements missing from your application. Notification of licensing or denial will be sent by mail 20 days after your complete application package is reviewed.
Jonra Springs began writing in 1989. He writes fiction for children and adults and draws on experiences in education, insurance, construction, aviation mechanics and entertainment to create content for various websites. Springs studied liberal arts and computer science at the College of Charleston and Trident Technical College.
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