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How to Get a Mediacom Cable Contractor Job

Mediacom is a provider of digital cable television, high-speed Internet and residential home phone service. Serving more than 1,500 communities in the United States, Mediacom has more than 4,400 employees in 23 states. Installation technicians are responsible for connecting customer services and performing routine checkups and service calls. Along with employee technicians who perform installations, Mediacom also hires independent cable contractors to complete Mediacom jobs. If you are interested in a Mediacom cable contractor job, follow a few steps to increase your chances of being hired.
Enroll in courses at a community or technical college to gain the experience and training you need to work as a cable contractor. Speak with the admissions representative for guidance on suitable courses and verify that the school offers a certificate or degree program in your field of interest. Focus on courses in electronics, telecommunications and fiber optic networks to give yourself the right education and background for a cable contractor position. Once you are ready to secure a cable contractor job with Mediacom, the hiring manager will be impressed by your training and preparation.
Apply for a license to work as a cable contractor with your state or town licensing board. Licensing requirements may vary, depending on your state. Some states may require you to hold a contractor's license, while others do not. If you plan to go into business for yourself, you may also be required to hold an independent business license in addition to a contractor's license.
Purchase a van or pickup truck for your contractor business and register the vehicle as a contractor's vehicle with the department of motor vehicles. Mediacom and other cable providers typically require their contractors to have a plain white contractor's van or truck. The vehicle must be reliable and have room for equipment.
Contact Mediacom to verify the requirements for contractor equipment. Install a ladder on your van or truck that meets the specifications for Mediacom contractors. Purchase the tools you'll need and secure them safely in your vehicle. Equipment requirements may change from time to time, but most cable contractors must have essential equipment like wire trimmers, electric and manual screwdrivers and an electronic cable tester.
Search the career page for open contractor positions. Send in your contractor application by mail or Internet. Include a resume that details your educational background and any experience you have in the industry.
Sara Melone is a mother of three and a graduate of UNH. With prior careers in insurance and finance, photography, as well as certifications in fitness and nutrition, Melone draws directly from past experience and varying interests. She contributes with equal passion to birth journals, investment blogs, and self-help websites.