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How to Become a Soccer Analyst

Soccer analysts provide commentary and insight on amateur or professional soccer games. The job requires an expert knowledge of soccer, with an ability to quickly describe the action to both ardent and casual fans. The soccer analyst's résumé and background are important, especially in television, as television networks tend to favor former players or coaches because of their name recognition with fans. For those not quite at that level, it is possible to become a soccer analyst for local media outlets.
Gain expert knowledge of soccer as a player. It is common in sports for television networks to fill analyst jobs with former players, and that is true in soccer. In 2010, ESPN, a major cable sports network, announced it was hiring former England National Team player Steve McManaman as an analyst. In a news release, ESPN noted that McManaman "was one of the finest players of his generation." Many soccer players begin playing as youngsters. However, amateur soccer leagues are available for children and adults in many communities. Play soccer in grade school or join adult leagues to gain practical experience in the sport.
Get some media experience. In hiring McManaman, ESPN noted abilities other than his expertise as a player. The network reported that as a broadcaster, McManaman "has a keen ability to communicate with great insight and clarity." Develop skills as a communicator by taking journalism and mass communication classes at a four-year college or a community college.
Begin writing your own blog on the Internet about soccer. That's a quick way to start as an analyst. Build a reputation as an expert and later expand beyond the Internet by offering to write a column for your local daily paper -- or even a weekly -- on local soccer teams.
Market yourself as a local expert to gain more exposure on television and radio. Continue building a reputation as you firmly establish yourself as a soccer analyst.
Robert Lee has been an entrepreneur and writer with a background in starting small businesses since 1974. He has written for various websites and for several daily and community newspapers on a wide variety of topics, including business, the Internet economy and more. He studied English in college and earned a Bachelor of Arts in liberal arts from Governor's State University.
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