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How to Become a Prisoner Transport Officer

Many prison systems hire corrections officers who specialize solely in transporting offenders. Transfer officers may constantly transport prisoners between specific units or make medical transfers on a moment's notice. Officers are at the most risk when they are on the road with offenders. If a prisoner escapes during transport, the officers in charge risk losing their jobs. The stress and time requirement to be a transport officer often drives officers back into the prison but the reward in pay can keep an officer on the road.
Apply for and secure a corrections officer position with your state or with a private prison. Most prisons require experience working in prisons before transporting offenders.
Watch for open positions on the offender transportation team. Inquire with the human resource office of the prison about how to apply for transportation positions.
Study the prisoner transportation policies of your state before your interview. Ask human resources or the prison's law library for a copy of these policies.
Interview with the prison transportation department. Prepare for the interview by memorizing key policies.
Complete additional training in dealing with prisoners. Some states require additional training outside of regular correction officer training. Transport officer training consists of close combat and defense techniques that are useful when working on a transport bus.
Study for and receive your Commercial Driver's License to be of more use to the transportation team by qualifying as a driver.
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