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How Often Are Unemployment Benefits Paid in Colorado?

Like most states, Colorado offers monetary benefits to people who are temporarily out of work. However, being unemployed in Colorado doesn't mean you will automatically start receiving government paychecks. While people receiving unemployment compensation are paid every two weeks, getting the benefits requires requesting them and remaining eligible.
Staying Eligible
If you do not maintain unemployment eligibility, you will not get benefits. To maintain your eligibility in Colorado, you must be willing and able to work, look for jobs, communicate with state unemployment agency representatives when they ask questions, report all money earned or hours worked, be truthful and request payment every two weeks. If you do not meet these requirements, your benefits can be canceled at any time.
Requesting Benefits
You must request unemployment benefits every two weeks using the state's automated system called CUBLine, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week via phone and Internet. The automated system will ask you questions about whether you qualify for unemployment. Once you answer them, you have submitted your claim. The state notes that you should request benefits even if you aren't sure whether you are eligible or if you have appealed your benefits cancellation.
Pay Dates
You can call CUBLine to request payment for 14 days after the two-week period for which you wish to be paid. For example, if you are requesting payment for weeks that ended on Oct. 7 and Oct. 14, you could request payment from the 15th through the 29th. If you request payment too early or too late, the automated system will not recognize you the next time you log in and you will have to reopen your claim. This can delay payments. Colorado does not pay benefits that are requested late.
Receiving Funds
People receiving unemployment benefits in Colorado automatically get a debit card on which funds can be distributed. However, they may also choose to have funds direct deposited into their bank accounts. Whatever option you choose, payments generally take about two to three days to post after you request payment.
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Miranda Morley is an educator, business consultant and owner of a copywriting/social-media management company. Her work has been featured in the "Boston Literary Magazine," "Subversify Magazine" and "American Builder's Quarterly." Morley has a B.A. in English, political science and international relations. She is completing her M.A. in rhetoric and composition from Purdue University Calumet.
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