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How to Write a Skills Audit

A personal skills audit is a document created by an individual to accurately assess those skill sets he possesses and those he needs to acquire to better perform his job function. They are often written by individuals looking to change jobs or receive promotions or pay raises. Therefore, the skills audit is most commonly reviewed by supervisors at a current job or future job. The skills audit should be written with this in mind, crafted to make the employee seem well-equipped to do his job but striving to learn more, not lacking in his abilities.
Brainstorm a list of major projects with which you've been involved at your current company. Do not think about specific tasks or detail-oriented jobs. Think big picture here. Examples may include "obtaining a new contract with a major client" or "completely reorganizing the V: drive for our company."
List under each of these projects a step-by-step procedure of actions you needed to take personally to accomplish your role in that job. Do not focus on what others did. Focus on your contributions. Be specific, and start every bullet point in this section with a verb. Examples include: "Cold-called potential clients;" "Booked conference rooms;" or "Designed fliers."
Circle terms among all the projects that seem to relate to one another. For example, if under one project you have listed, "designed fliers" and somewhere else you have "chose clipart," those might belong under one heading called "Marketing." Organize all your skills until they are each under a heading. Each heading should have at least three skills.
Write your introductory paragraph for your skills audit. Start by stating your name, role at the company and purpose for writing this skills audit. If you are seeking a new position, state that you hope to explain your exemplary skill sets and how they apply to the new position you wish to obtain.
Create a table in which to organize your skill sets. Writing these skills and examples in paragraph form will be lengthy and unappealing to the potential reader. Organizing your information in a table will make it easier to skim. Create two columns. In the first, list the headings that you created in Step 3. On the right column, place the bullet points under each heading where you explained with detailed verbs what actions you specifically did.
Conclude your letter with a paragraph explaining your intentions again, summarizing your main points from your introductory paragraph.
Bailey Richert is a 2010 graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a dual bachelor's degree in environmental engineering and hydrogeology, as well as a master's degree in systems engineering. After several years in the environmental consulting industry, she is now attending MIT for graduate school. An accomplished traveler, she has visited 23 countries and published her first book about international travel in 2014.