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How to Write a Letter for the OCS

The Officer Candidate School (OCS), a multiple-month program, trains officers for the United States Army. Like many programs, OCS requires prospective candidates to submit a letter of recommendation. If a candidate asks you to write a letter recommending him, write a letter that expands on the qualities that make him perfect for a role as an officer in the United States Army. If possible, focus on the applicant's performance duty and abilities as a leader.
Address the letter "To Whom It May Concern." End the heading with a semi-colon.
Write the introductory paragraph. Begin the paragraph by explaining how you met the candidate. Move into a few sentences that describe your position and what makes you qualified to write the letter. For example, write about your role as a music and drama teacher. Include your degree credentials.
End the introductory paragraph with a short summary of your professional history.
Write the second paragraph. Include a short overview of the candidates history, strengths and weaknesses. For example, write about the candidate's role in the school musical and the dedication, hard work and intelligence he showed during rehearsals.
Expand on of the candidate's qualities in the third paragraph. For example, write about her dedication by providing several examples of situations where she proved her dedication. Include a few sentences about how this skill applies to the Officer Candidate School. For example, write "Catrina's dedication withstands the most difficult physical and emotional pain."
Write a paragraph for each quality.
Conclude the paragraph with a short summary of the candidate's qualifications. Add a few sentences relating as to why you believe the candidate belongs in Officer Candidate School. For example, "Catrina's strong moral compass provides a passion for leadership and a patriotic desire to serve her country."
Breann Kanobi has worked as freelance writer since 2010. Kanobi regularly submits content online to Gamer DNA. Kanobi received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in film and television from New York University in 2010.
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