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How to Become a Diamond Wholesaler

When changing careers or searching for your first career, you may consider becoming a diamond wholesaler. Diamond wholesalers work with diamond producers and miners to sell diamonds to jewelers and jewelry manufacturers. In many ways, the career is similar to being a jeweler; however, diamond wholesalers must have an expert knowledge of diamonds, rather than a broader knowledge of many different kinds of gems.
Research the career. Before training as a diamond wholesaler, decide if the career is right for you. Around 25 percent of all jewelers, including diamond wholesalers, are self-employed, giving them great freedom in their careers. The field has grown as many skilled workers of the Baby Boom era have retired.
Distinguish between gemologists and jewelers. Gemologists, like diamond wholesalers, appraise gems, studying their quality, characteristics and value before selling them. Jewelers, on the other hand, produce jewelry from these gemstones without overly concerning themselves with the stones. Some jewelers may also be trained gemologists.
Enroll in a training program online. Many distance-learning programs now offer online and correspondence courses to train gemologists in their trade. While the programs are limited by nature, as many do not provide up-close examination of the gems or specialize in diamonds, they will provide you with a good overview of the field. Such a program will demonstrate to you whether you have the skills needed to become a successful diamond wholesaler.
Take courses in person. Enrolling in specialty courses helps you to deepen your knowledge of gems and diamonds, as you are able to inspect them in person. Without seeing a variety of diamonds up-close, your success as a diamond wholesaler will be limited.
Train with an established diamond wholesaler. Many employers want their employees to work for several years under the trained eye of an established wholesaler before working unsupervised. During this time, you can choose to supplement your apprenticeship with shorter-term technical or correspondence courses in related fields, such as fabricating or jewelry design. Depending on the use to your employer, he may cover the cost of the seminars.