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How to Get in the Military Without the ASVAB

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB, is an aptitude test used to inventory the skills of Americans interested in joining the military. According to, ASVAB testing is administered by more than 14,000 schools and Military Entrance Processing Stations nationwide. The tests are designed and managed by the Department of Defense. The ASVAB is not a pass or fail test. Rather, it gauges a candidate’s abilities.
Take the ASVAB test. There is no way to join the military without at least achieving a minimum qualifying score on your Armed Forces Qualification Test, or AFQT, which is a subset of the ASVAB.
Receive your score AFQT score by completing the Arithmetic Reasoning, Math Knowledge and Verbal Composite of the ASVAB test. According to, your AFQT score reflects your potential for training in military occupations.
Find your minimum qualifying AFQT score according to the service you plan to enter. For instance, certain military specialties will require higher scores than others. If you meet the minimum requirements, your AFQT results will automatically allow you entrance into the military. The remainder of your ASVAB results will be used in determining your abilities, not as a tool to either grant or deny entrance into the military.
Jason Alexander began his professional writing career in 2003. He has worked as a staff writer at several different newspapers, including the "Eagle Times" and the "Northwoods Sporting Journal." He has a Bachelor of Arts in English from a university in New England.
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