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How to Become a Home Inspector in Quebec

If you are considering becoming a home inspector in Quebec, Canada, you should know that you are required to get certified before you do any inspections on your own. Houses cost a lot of money, and the nationwide certification standard for Canada is in place so that home owners aren't misinformed about the status of a home that they want to purchase. In Quebec, you might consider joining the Quebec Association of Building Inspectors once you are certified. This isn't required, but does put your name on a list of certified inspectors, so that you will be easy to find.
Register for a training class if you have never had any experience as an inspector. This will help you pass the certification test.
Submit an application to be a certified home inspector. Send the application to the National Certification Council. You will need to request a copy from the National Certification program, or obtain one from your instructor after you complete your course.
National Certification Program c/o Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI) PO Box 13715 Ottawa, ON K2K 1X6 613-839-5344 or 888-748-2244
Perform a test inspection that is set up through the certification program. The house will have known defects that must be found, and they vary from test to test. You will have to submit your findings in writing as well as verbally to the evaluator assigned to you. If the evaluator determines that you passed the test, you will qualify for certification.
Send your information back to the program to receive your certification.
Keith Dooley has a degree in outdoor education and sports management. He has worked as an assistant athletic director, head coach and assistant coach in various sports including football, softball and golf. Dooley has worked for various websites in the past, contributing instructional articles on a wide variety of topics.
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Jakraphong Pongpotganatam/iStock/GettyImages