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How to Respond to a Positive Job Review

The performance review is a time-honored tradition for many businesses. Managers give their employees reviews to let them know how they are doing and what they can improve on over the next year. However, not all performance reviews are bad. If an employee has had a stellar year, her review might be nothing but accolades. If you have a good review, the way you respond to it is just as important as the way you would respond to a bad one.
Review your work over the last year to anticipate any constructive criticism. Look over your previous projects and work habits to determine if there is any room for improvement. Expect the review to be constructive. If the review is filled with glowing comments, you can act surprised and grateful, but you shouldn't go into the review knowing it will be all good.
Act grateful and humble to the reviewer. Thank your reviewer for the comments and mention that you were part of a team of employees who all share in your success. Talk about the leadership in your department and how they contribute to your work over the year. This will show your commitment to being part of the team. Be sure to thank your manager for the good review.
Keep the details of your review quiet from your co-workers. No one likes a braggart, so don't mention how well the review went. If others inquire, just say it went well and thank them for asking.
Keep working hard. Don't change anything about your work habits or ethics after the review happens. If you are always at work early, continue to be early. If you are known as the "go-to" girl, make sure that you keep yourself open for people to bring issues to you. Be careful that you don't fall into the trap of having your work suffer because you feel there is a high opinion of your value. Your status to your managers can fall very fast if your work suffers.
Ask your managers if there are any areas you can improve. All employees can improve in some way, and try to get some information regarding this out of your manager. Assure him that you will do even better on your next review.
Ask about a raise in pay. Reviews are usually joined to salary increases, and there is no better time to ask about this part of your job. Highlight the positive aspects of your review as a jumping-off point to begin discussions regarding a salary increase. Be prepared to have a number in mind if the reviewer asks what kind of salary you think you should receive. Also, since the review is good, ask about other opportunities in the company for your personal and professional growth.
Don't get angry if you don't get a raise or promotion out of the discussion with your manager. The review is the most important part, and you will be in the minds of your managers when raise time comes.
Keep any arrogance about your review to a minimum. This will help your managers keep a high opinion of you.
- Don't get angry if you don't get a raise or promotion out of the discussion with your manager. The review is the most important part, and you will be in the minds of your managers when raise time comes.
- Keep any arrogance about your review to a minimum. This will help your managers keep a high opinion of you.
R.L. Cultrona is a San Diego native and a graduate of San Diego State University. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in theater, television and film with a minor in communications and political science. She began writing online instructional articles in June 2009.
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