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How to Write Two Weeks Notice Letter

No matter what reason you have for resigning from your job, you need to make sure that you know how to write two weeks notice letter. With any type of job it is the proper etiquette and sometimes even a required part of your contract to give your employer two weeks of notice when you quit your job. Although you should talk face to face with your employer when you quit, most companies do require a written two weeks notice letter to go in your employee file.
Writing a two weeks notice letter is not that hard, but should be taken seriously.
Use your computer and professional looking paper to write your two weeks notice. You should not just scribble down a quick note on a piece of scrap paper and hand it over to your boss. The two weeks notice letter needs to be a professional letter that is done properly.
Address your boss directly in the letter. The opening of the letter should read, "Dear (insert boss's full name).
Get right to the point of the letter stating that this is your official two weeks notice and then state the date of the last day you will be working.
Explain in the next paragraph that you have enjoyed working for the company but have decided to pursue other avenues, you are moving, or you want to advance your career. Never write anything negative about the company as it may come back to haunt you if you ever need a professional reference in the future.
Close the letter by stating that you will continue to give100 percent to your job until your last day and will offer your assistance with helping with the transition.
Sign your name and date next to your signature. Type or print your name under your signature as well. Be sure to sign with a pen and not pencil.
Deliver the letter to your boss and your human resources department if needed. Keep a copy of the two weeks notice letter for your records as well.
Even if your experience with the company was not the best, you should never write anything negative in your two weeks notice letter. It is unprofessional and can possibly damage your professional reputation.
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- Even if your experience with the company was not the best you should never write anything negative in your two weeks notice letter. It is unprofessional and can possibly damage your professional reputation.
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