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How to Evaluate Your Boss

Although your boss constantly evaluates you as a worker, do not forget that you should be mentally evaluating your boss as well. A good boss motivates his employees and creates a workplace that makes you happy to return to work each day. A bad boss, however, can limit your growth potential, make you unlikely to enjoy your vocation and demotivate you. You should make it a yearly project to evaluate your boss and management to determine whether or not your current workplace is appropriate for your goals.
Rate your boss's interactions with you as an employee. If he is honest with you about his expectations, recognizes your achievements and contributions, encourages you and your coworkers to succeed, clearly communicates his expectations and provides regular feedback to help you improve, you likely have a good boss who cares about his employees.
Evaluate your boss's management skills. Make sure he helps you and your coworkers if you are in need of extra guidance. Also, make sure he disciplines bad behavior fairly and evenly, understands your job and its requirements, maintains order in your workplace and conducts regular performance evaluations to help educate you about your progress.
Determine whether or not your boss is an advocate or a criticizer of your department. A good boss will train his employees, help solve complex problems, promote health and safety standards in the workplace, stand up for his employees to other supervisors or senior-level managers and will not blame you or others for his mistakes.
Incorporate your boss's personal habits into your evaluation. Think about how good he is at controlling his temper if he gets frustrated, whether or not he discriminates against workers on the basis of their race, gender or other characteristic, if he is friendly and approachable and whether he appropriately directs credit for a successfully completed project to his employees rather than taking the credit for himself.
Think about whether you and your boss get along both personally and professionally. If he makes work fun, tries to incorporate new and refreshing ideas into the work, comes up with activities to encourage workplace harmony and strives to make sure everyone feels included, he is likely skilled at managing office morale.
Share your feelings and evaluation with your boss during your own performance evaluation. Discuss how his strengths encourage you to develop your own areas of expertise, and express concern with his weaknesses that limit your ability to grow as an employee. A good boss will be receptive to your constructive criticism and will recognize ways in which his management style aids or hinders his employees.
Encourage your boss to set up an anonymous feedback system for you and your coworkers to use to raise concerns or give praise. While employees tend to be skittish about approaching their bosses with criticism, an anonymous feedback system will allow employees to give suggestions without fearing retaliation.
Remember to incorporate both positive feedback and constructive criticism in your evaluation. Consider how you want your boss to conduct your performance reviews, and give the same courtesy to your boss.
Brian Richards is an attorney whose work has appeared in law and philosophy journals and online in legal blogs and article repositories. He has been a writer since 2008. He holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology from University of California, San Diego and a Juris Doctor from Lewis and Clark School of Law.
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