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How to Become a National Guard Recruiter

The National Guard consists of two branches: the Army National Guard (ARNG) and Air National Guard (ANG). Both branches of the National Guard always need good enlisted recruiters to find qualified personnel and assist them with joining the military service. Military recruiters are expected to work hard and uphold the highest standards of conduct. Recruiters are representatives of the professional military service, and may be the only contact that a civilian will have with the military. Therefore, only the most qualified soldiers and airmen will be chosen to become National Guard recruiters.
Ensure that you meet the requirements for becoming a recruiter. This includes a passing score on your annual physical fitness exam and compliance with your service branch's height and weight standards. You must also score at least 90 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) exam, and pass a background check with at least a Secret security clearance.
Apply for an opening in your unit or armory’s recruiting office. You can obtain the application from your unit orderly room, unit First Sergeant or personnel office. Submit your completed application packet to the recruiting office, your retention officer or your unit orderly room.
Meet the recruiter selection board. Report to the board wearing your Class A uniform. You will meet a panel of several officers and senior enlisted personnel. You must satisfactorily answer questions about your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) for ARNG members or Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) for ANG members, rules and regulations specific to your branch of the military. The military is looking for well-rounded recruiters, so you may also receive questions regarding current events that can be found in local newspapers or the Military Times newspapers.
Attend the Army’s 53-day Recruiting School at Fort Knox, Kentucky, for ARNG members; or the Air Force's seven-week recruiting school at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, for ANG members. You will receive instruction in public relations, and recruiting and processing qualified individuals into the military.
Complete two to six weeks of on-the-job training (OJT) with a qualified recruiter at your unit of assignment. Completion of OJT will certify you to begin contacting and recruiting individuals into your unit.
Based in Oklahoma, Maggie O'Leary has been writing professionally since 2001. O'Leary has served in the United States military since 1997 and is a two-time OIF veteran. She has been published in several local military and civilian newspapers and national media outlets including "The Washington Post" and CNN. O'Leary has a Bachelor of Arts in history and legal studies.
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