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How to Introduce Yourself in an Acting Audition

Acting auditions can be the equivalent to a job interview. As actors, we have consented (and hope for) a daily dosage of interviews and audience. Handling them gets more obvious in time.
In the beginning, there are some rules of thumb to remember in order to not look green. If you have been auditioning for a while and not booking, it pays to take a look at what you are doing wrong.
The first impression is sometimes the one that lasts. In going into an audition, you want to make sure that your introduction is top notch!
How to Introduce Yourself in an Acting Audition
Smile. Smile from the moment you walk in the door to greet them! It's an important sign of friendliness, and it lets your possible future employers know what kind of professionalism they can expect from you. Little things may seem as though they'll fall by the wayside, but it matters. If they are on the fence about your performance, that can be one more reason to shut the door in your face. If you have impressed them acting-wise, yet made them nervous personally, don't expect that call-back.
If you haven't been asked your name yet for some reason (auditions can mean anything), introduce yourself. Hand in a copy of your headshot and resume to all in the room if it was not acquired in the waiting room. If it has been specified to only give one copy, then follow those alternate instructions. Since every audition is different, keep flexible, and pay close attention when given instructions prior to (and during) an audition.
Express that you are happy to be here. That can be done as simply as saying a "thank you." Get the point across that you are lucky to be in that room, that you know it, and that you are going to make the most of their time with you.
There are usually brief questions in an introduction period. Answer those concisely with a happy tone. You don't want to get to the point of a fake cheerfulness, but inserting your own personality into the room will leave an impression.
Finish up the introductions with a witty remark or a brief observation about the script. If the writer is in the room, acknowledge and thank him, noting something you liked about the script.
Now, don't be afraid to ask for time to drop into character. Although it's selfish to ask for over a minute or two, you are an artist, and you're entitled to your prep time. Taking too long will make them nervous. Give yourself as much time as you need, but try to get it down to a more brief science.
Introductions are over, and time to enjoy being a character! It's no longer all about you.
Respond to initial question with friendliness. Come in as yourself, not as the character. There are very rare exceptions to this rule, and the exceptions should only be made once a long relationship with a casting director has been established. Make a friendly joke or two in the introductions if possible and appropriate. Humor is appreciated and remembered, as long as it isn't outrageous or not suitable for the situation. Save your own questions for after the monologue or scene in the audition.
Don't announce your name when you walk in the room, unless they ask. You are usually called in by name so to avoid sounding silly or nervous, don't introduce yourself by name, Although you should be encouraged to drop in as soon as possible, don't come into the room as your character. If you are auditioning for the role of a psycho killer and come into the room acting as though you have murderous rage, you will not get the part.
- Respond to initial question with friendliness.
- Come in as yourself, not as the character. There are very rare exceptions to this rule, and the exceptions should only be made once a long relationship with a casting director has been established.
- Make a friendly joke or two in the introductions if possible and appropriate. Humor is appreciated and remembered, as long as it isn't outrageous or not suitable for the situation.
- Save your own questions for after the monologue or scene in the audition.
- Don't announce your name when you walk in the room, unless they ask. You are usually called in by name so to avoid sounding silly or nervous, don't introduce yourself by name,
- Although you should be encouraged to drop in as soon as possible, don't come into the room as your character. If you are auditioning for the role of a psycho killer and come into the room acting as though you have murderous rage, you will not get the part.
Robin Raven was first published in 1998. She has contributed to newspapers, magazines and online publications, including "The Malibu Times," "Act'ionLine" for Friends of Animals, USA Today Travel Tips and the official Melissa Gilbert website. Raven specializes in travel, health, beauty, culture, vegan nutrition, joyful living, arts and entertainment. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in writing.
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