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How to Improve Convincing Skills

In life, whether you are at the office or in an interpersonal situation, possessing strong convincing skills can go a long way. Persuading other people is all about encouraging them to adopt your viewpoint on a certain concept, whether it is a new product you are pitching or a way of life. Learn how to talk about your ideas in a way that is appealing and sensible.
Consider the perspective of your listener. When you are trying to convince someone of something, try to look at the situation from his point of view instead of your own. Ask yourself who exactly this person is. What does he want out of life? What exactly makes him tick? The more you understand and empathize with a person, the easier it can be for you to identify with him and what he wants and needs.
Synchronize yourself with your listener. When you are trying to persuade a person to come over onto your side, it can help to slightly mimic her motions, gestures and overall demeanor. By doing this, you subtly are indicating to her that you have something in common. If your listener tilts her head back, for example, wait up to five seconds and then repeat the behavior yourself.
Look for any positive reactions. When you want to convince someone of something, it is important that you pay a lot of attention to how the person responds to the information you are offering. For instance, if a person cracks a smile in response to something you said, capitalize on the positivity by emphasizing that concept more. If you notice that a person's eyes light up when you mention the cruise control feature on a car, delve deeper into that subject and its benefits.
Display clarity. If you speak in a jumbled, incoherent manner, your listener will not understand you, much less want to believe in anything that you say. To avoid this possibility, make sure that you always talk in a clear and precise tone, enunciating all your words well. Proper speech can also be beneficial for enhancing your credibility factor to your listener.
Act confidently. The more confident and self-assured you come across, the more you will encourage the other person to be convinced by you. If you behave confidently, it may make your listener believe that something is causing you to feel this way. To come across as confident, envision success as you are speaking to your listener. Mentally picture the best possible outcome and use those positive feelings to drive you to do an effective job.
Talk positively. When someone tries to argue or question something you are saying, put it into a positive light rather than a negative one. For example, say, "I totally understand your concerns, but..." instead of, "You are absolutely wrong!"
Believe in what you are saying and promoting. Most people are not fools and therefore will not be duped into believing you if you are hesitant or in any way sure about what you are discussing. If you truly believe in yourself, it will be apparent to the listener. Be honest. Establish a sense of trust with your listener. If a person doesn't feel an authentic bond of trust with you, you will never be able to convince him successfully.
- Believe in what you are saying and promoting. Most people are not fools and therefore will not be duped into believing you if you are hesitant or in any way sure about what you are discussing. If you truly believe in yourself, it will be apparent to the listener. Be honest. Establish a sense of trust with your listener. If a person doesn't feel an authentic bond of trust with you, you will never be able to convince him successfully.