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What Technology Is Used in Medical Assisting?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, many medical assistants (MAs) perform both clerical and clinical duties. From computers to complex laboratory and surgical equipment, MAs use a variety of technology to function in their job position.
Medical assistants typically work in a clinical setting and often specialize in a particular area of medical treatment. In medical offices, MAs use computers, printers, fax machines, telephones and other office devices. In the clinical setting, MAs use laboratory machines such as hematology analyzers, urinalysis machines and microscopes to perform tests for the physician.
Technology has made the MA's job quicker and easier. Instead of having to fill out charts, schedules and patient information by hand and store numerous documents, MAs now use computers. Instead of performing laboratory tests using tedious methods, machines, such as hematology analyzers, are used. These machines can increase patient safety by reducing human error.
Just as technology and medicine continuously evolve and become more advanced, so does the role of the medical assistant. Medical assisting is a growing field that relies on technology in order to function. As new discoveries are made, new technology will be created, and new jobs in medical assisting will emerge.
Medical Assistants salary
- Top 10% Annual Salary: More than $50,580 ($24.32/hour)
- Median Annual Salary: $35,850 ($17.24/hour)
- Bottom 10% Annual Salary: Less than $26,930 ($12.95/hour)
Based in Florida, Mandi Titus has been writing since 2002. Her articles have been published on sites such as Goodkin, Go Green Street and Living the Healthy Way. She holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Stetson University.