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The Average Salary of a SWAT Officer

A SWAT (special weapons and tactics) officer is a police officer who has been trained using weapons and police procedures for specialized assignments having a higher level of danger involved. In most jurisdictions, SWAT responsibilities are additional to general police officer duties.

In May 2009, the Bureau of Labor Statistics categorized SWAT officers under the occupational title of police and sheriff's patrol officers. The national median salary for SWAT officers was reported at $53,210.

SWAT team members are often required to work during unusual or non-working hours. According to, actual overall earnings can be higher than average salaries because most of these professionals work over 40 hours per week and are paid overtime for their work as a SWAT officer.
Highest Wages

The highest wages were reported in state government agencies. The median hourly wage was $28.30 in May 2009.
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