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DCF Job Descriptions

Those who work for DCF, or the Department of Children and Families, assist people in solving personal and family problems. They encounter cases of abuse, unemployment and disability. They must advocate for their clients to improve their home and school situations. They coordinate a variety of services, such as day care or health care options.
DCF workers often have bachelor's degrees in social work, psychology or sociology. To advance in the field, master’s degrees are often required. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most states require social workers to earn licensure or certification.
DCF workers must be emotionally stable and responsible. They must pay attention to detail and thrive when working independently under pressure.
DCF workers provide social work services for children and families, including counseling, assessments and consultations. DCF workers must maintain medical, educational and social histories. They investigate family situations, such as abuse or neglect. Where appropriate, DCF workers choose foster parents for children who must be taken from their unfit parents.
They must make recommendations to the juvenile court systems. DCF workers must also coordinate with psychiatrists and other mental health staff to devise treatment plans and make referrals.
The average annual salary for social workers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $39,530 in 2009. The labor bureau also predicts this field’s employment to grow by 16 percent between 2008 and 2018.
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