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What Is the Meaning of Office Procedures?

Office procedures set the standard for how a staff works together in the office. It is often a set of rules or policies guiding the operations of an office or small business.
Office procedures are necessary to ensure efficiency in the workplace. Handling calls in and out, paperwork, filing, taking messages, customer interaction and even furniture arrangement can all fall under office procedure.
Office procedures create a uniform way of doing things that create consistency, efficiency and professionalism within the office environment.
Office procedures often fall in line with company policies. For instance, a company policy may be that no liquid is allowed near the computers. With that policy may come a procedure for staff members to safely have water or soft drinks a safe distance from the computers such as in a break room. Following that office procedure would be mandatory. Disobeying it could cost staff members their jobs.
Office procedures mandate an employee's actions while at work (i.e., no personal phone calls, checking voicemail in the mornings, no unnecessary conversations with clients). They can also include the handling of office equipment such as reloading empty copy machines and refilling staplers. These procedures are in place to make the office run efficiently.
Often office procedures are written out for new employees. They hardly ever come as a surprise. By knowing office procedures and allowing them to become part of a job description, employees can focus on daily tasks as a priority.
Graduating from Capella University with a Ph.D. in organizational management, Michelle McGriff has been writing professionally for over 15 years. A fiction novelist and part-time content editor, she contributed to the nonfiction writer's guide, "You're Published, Now What?" McGriff is also working to complete a series of nonfiction e-books.
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