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Job Description of a Music Production Manager

Before obtaining the position, a music production manager must have experience working in music production, preferably two to five years. He should be able work as a team player and have great organizational skills. The production manager must also be able to handle multiple duties at a given time.
Additional Requirements
Additional requirements for acquiring a music production manager position include having strong verbal and written communication skills and being able to work under pressure to handle deadlines.
Responsibilities include supervising all production procedures between the artist and record label, finalizing album artwork for distribution and handling album manufacturing to make sure the material is delivered on time to the manufacturer. A music production manager must also organize media exposure for the artist by delivering advance music single copies to radio stations.
Other Responsibilities
Other responsibilities include promoting the artist to various media outlets and public events, coordinating and distributing flyers to various promoters, creating production files for the record label and delivering advance album titles and covers to magazines before the album is released.
Administrative Tasks
Performing administrative duties are also a big part of being a music production manager. These duties include updating production schedules, maintaining budgets for album distribution and promotional events, and arranging travel expenses for artists and personnel.
Sheena Binkley has been writing articles on education, entertainment and career advice for over four years. She holds a Master of Arts degree in business communication from Jones International University. In addition to instructional articles, Binkley's work has appeared online at College Recruiter, Broowaha and various other websites.