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Degrees in the Medical Field That Don't Deal With Sick People

It may seem nearly impossible to have a career in a medical field that doesn't involve dealing with sick people. In reality, though, there are several positions in health-related fields where it's not necessary to directly encounter patients. These jobs center around lab testing, paperwork and wellness programs where dealing with others coughing and sneezing is not common. To have a career in medicine where you can avoid people when they are sick, there are several degree programs worth considering.
If you're interested in medicine but you have an easier time dealing with lab tests than sick people, a degree in cytotechnology may be for you. A cytotechnologist studies body cells for abnormalities such as cancer, endocrine disorders and the presence of pathogenic organisms. They're educated through a four-year degree program that trains them in reading slides of exfoliated and aspirated cells. Their workday is usually spent in a lab coat and with test tubes, slides and microscopes rather than patients. Most of their time is spent in a quiet, secluded atmosphere while facing a fair amount of stress. When reading slides for the detection of cancer, cytotechnologists want to make sure they're reading slides accurately, as someone's life may depend on it.
Health Information Administration
A degree in health information administration allows you more time spent with files than sick people. Most hospitals or larger doctors' offices have a small underground city of paperwork housing thousands of patient charts. The health information administrator analyzes and interprets data for health care professionals so they are able to deliver quality care to patients. They also protect medical information and adhere to the latest health information laws. Administrators are involved in activities such as streamlining processes and transmitting paper records to an online system. Their degree programs teach them how to develop databases and plan for future data analysis, as they work in conjunction with all areas of hospital staff and legal representatives.
Nutrition Science
If you are interested in a degree involving the health and wellness side of medicine and want to avoid sick people, nutrition science is a solid option. Nutrition science involves studying chemistry, biology and the human disease process in regard to the food people eat. While some nutritionists may deal directly with people who are ill, it's possible to arrange a career where assisting people with wellness issues is the norm instead. Nutritionists can become independent agents and teach people how to eat healthier, grocery shop smarter and count calories wisely. They could even exclusively focus on an area like weight loss and avoid being around people who are physically ill.
Medical Billing and Coding
For a path to the medical career field where you don't have to spend time around sick people, consider a degree in medical billing and coding. Each time a patient is diagnosed or treated, he is given an invoice filled with codes representing the visit. The medical coder then takes those codes and translates them onto claim forms for billing and processing. Claim forms are necessary so that insurance will cover medical expenses. Medical coders learn about anatomy, various disease types and pharmacology so they can understand how codes are practically applied.
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Based in the Midwest, Gina Scott has been writing professionally since 2008. She has worked in real estate since 2004 and has expertise in pop culture and health-related topics. She has also self-published a book on how to overcome chronic health conditions. Scott holds a Master of Arts in higher-education administration from Ball State University.
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