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How to Advertise Yourself as a Vocal Coach

Advertising yourself as a vocal coach is a multi-tiered process, but you don't necessarily have to spend a lot of money for effective results. Whether you are teaching voice lessons from your home or storefront, these advertising and marketing tips will help promote your business and build clientele.
Basic Advertising Materials
Procure basic advertising materials used to market and advertise any business -- business cards, post cards, brochures and fliers along with an internet domain, hosting and website package. Check vocal teaching, coaching and instruction websites for text, layout and design ideas.
Identify your customers to help plan your campaign efforts and material design. For example, if your focus is teaching children to sing, advertising must be geared toward your target age group as well as to parents who will ultimately provide payment. Adults will require a more mature design approach but it must reflect the image you wish to convey and student level you wish to attract. Designing your ad pieces to reflect a formal, strict image may attract students interested in a singing career, but may turn off those desiring to sing for fun or as a hobby.
Collect community newspapers, shopper guides, religious bulletins and restaurant advertising menus, call the advertising number and place long-term display or classified ads to reach a general audience. Long-term ads will cost less, project a perceived image of business stability and success as a vocal teacher. Other general ad practices include posting fliers, business cards or brochures on community, supermarket and local store bulletin boards. Some retailers will allow you to leave a stack of materials for customers. Make a list of locations and visit periodically to replenish materials or replace those missing or worn.
Partner your advertising to reach specific prospective students. For children and adolescents, contact community youth centers, schools and non-voice related instructional businesses such as dance studios. Good choices for adult voice students include gyms, yoga studios, craft stores and other businesses adults are likely to frequent. Send a letter and email followed by a phone call a few days later and ask if the business will consider posting ad materials, allow a singing demonstration, lecture, workshop or sponsor a free introductory vocal coaching session in their facility. Partnering may require reciprocation of some kind, so you may offer to place their ad on your website, brochure or flier, offer the owner or manager a free lesson or other mutually beneficial incentive.
Become involved in your community by volunteering, attending events, writing articles for local papers and other activities. Being involved and present creates goodwill and establishes your presence as a caring local businessperson. It also opens the opportunity to talk about your vocal instruction business and pass out business cards, but don't overdo it -- marketing and advertising takes time and patience. You will gain more students by building trust and establishing yourself as a community member over time.
Include your website on all printed materials.
Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times to promote trust in your community, particularly if you will be teaching children.
Track your advertising by asking new students how they found you. Over time, you may eliminate ad activities that do not produce results.
Avoid printing and designing your own materials. Cards, brochures and websites that appear "amateurish" may turn off potential students. Hire a graphic designer and professional printer for best results.
- Include your website on all printed materials.
- Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times to promote trust in your community, particularly if you will be teaching children.
- Track your advertising by asking new students how they found you. Over time, you may eliminate ad activities that do not produce results.
- Avoid printing and designing your own materials. Cards, brochures and websites that appear "amateurish" may turn off potential students. Hire a graphic designer and professional printer for best results.
Matt McKay began his writing career in 1999, writing training programs and articles for a national corporation. His work has appeared in various online publications and materials for private companies. McKay has experience in entrepreneurship, corporate training, human resources, technology and the music business.
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