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What Is the Typical Work Schedule of Anthropologists?

One definition of anthropology is the scientific study of the origin of man and his physical, social, cultural and behavioral development. Modern anthropologists use scientific research methods to study elements of human culture and societies, examining the details--language, food, politics and religion--that make up everyday life in a society.
The Typical Work Schedule of Anthropologists
An anthropologist's work schedule, although flexible, usually exceeds the regular 40-hour work week. They do spend substantial amounts of their time in offices, classrooms and libraries. Most anthropologists also do a certain amount of fieldwork. This type of activity requires them to travel to various locations around the world in order to observe local cultures, study various animal life or record the behavior of a particular ethnic group.
Typical Work Schedule of a Physical Anthropologist

Physical or biological anthropologists are concerned with human physiology, or the makeup of the human body. Their work schedule includes time spent studying the skeletal remains and human fossils of ancient cultures. Their activities also include studying the physical differences between people in different cultures and trying to determine what factors cause these differences. Physical anthropologists' work schedules also include actually living among existing cultures to study these differences firsthand.
Typical Work Schedule of a Cultural Anthropologist
Cultural anthropologists, who study human culture and society, spend their time formulating rules about how people create societies and cultures and applying these rules to modern situations to help solve intercultural problems. Through studying how members of a particular community address health-related issues, for example, cultural anthropologists--guided by the results of the study--may make recommendations to government agencies and other groups on how to make health care communally universal.
Typical Work Schedule of a Forensic Anthropologist
According to, forensic anthropology is "the application of the science of physical anthropology to the legal process." A forensic anthropologist's work schedule requires time spent identifying skeletal, badly decomposed or otherwise unidentified human remains. This could involve remains from a current catastrophe or remains that are hundreds of years old. The work schedule of forensic anthropologists, which includes determining the sex, age, race, stature, weight and any pathology (disease) of unidentified skeletal remains and establishing the cause of death, must also--in the case of murder--be arranged to allow time for possible court appearances.
Profile of an Anthropologist
Investigative natures, preferences for activities that deal with ideas and thinking, and cerebral approaches to problem solving tend to characterize individuals who populate the field of anthropology. These scientists also tend to have artistic interests and place importance upon having the freedom of self-expression. Anthropologists also consider independence important and place a premium on autonomy in planning their activities.
Herbert Harris is a retired IT professional who does article marketing and works from home. He has served at the Atlantic Undersea Test And Evaluation Center, a U.S. Navy test range located at Andros Island, Bahamas, and Ascension Island's U.S.A.F. test range.