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Duties & Responsibilities of a Hospital Administrator

One of the most important assets of any community is a hospital. A hospital is a resource for anyone needing emergency medical attention or care beyond what a physician's office can provide. A hospital is staffed by a multitude of employees, and in such a busy, complex environment, there must be someone who can organize and coordinate all of the people and services that are required. This role is fulfilled by a hospital administrator, the person who oversees everything that goes on in a hospital.
Staff Hiring
The hospital administrator is typically the person who oversees the hiring of the staff. From the janitor who sweeps the halls to the nurses who tend to patients to the supervisors who oversee the nurses, it is the hospital administrator who is ultimately responsible for employing qualified people.
Coordination of Business Functions
Most hospitals have a variety of business and support functions, and the hospital administrator coordinates and oversees these functions. In a small hospital, the administrator may handle these tasks directly. In a larger hospital, assistants and managers may be appointed to handle various business and support functions, but the hospital administrator will still oversee their work.
Policy Development & Implementation
Every hospital has its own set of policies that govern employees, procedures and services offered to patients. A hospital administrator may be required to develop policies and procedures and ensure that they are followed, or he may implement policies created by a governing board or body. Short-range and long-range plans for a hospital's development and overall growth are also usually handled, or at least supervised, by a hospital administrator.
Managing Patient Records
A large part of the hospital administrator's job concerns managing patient records. The administrator must make sure that medical histories, current health information, and billing, insurance and legal documents are all being handled appropriately. Keeping all of this information organized and up to date is an essential role that a hospital administrator must fill.
Educational Requirements
According to, in order to qualify for a hospital administrator position, a candidate will usually need a master's degree in health administration, business, public administration, or another related area. Many people start out as health professionals with related degrees, and then move up into administration. Generally, a bachelor's degree is required in order to start work in the industry.
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